The fourth Newsletter of the project is already available!
Check here and good reading: Newsletter 4

The third Newsletter of the project is already available!
Check here and good reading: Newsletter 3

Meeting in Namur (Belgium)
Between the 13th and the 15th of February 2019, the Erasmus + NT4S project partners – New Tools for New Skills in Work Based Learning, together with the trainers attached

Training Week in Belgium
Between the 11th and the 15th of February 2019, the training of trainers’ week was held in Namur, Belgium. During the week, 13 trainers participated in various activities: educational visits

National Ateliers: Innovative tools are presented and discussed at national level
The national ateliers were held between December 2018 and January 2019 by NT4S project partners in their respective countries: Belgium, Portugal, United Kingdom, Italy and France. The three learning tools

The second Newsletter of the project is already available!
Check here and good reading: Newsletter 2

The first Newsletter of the project is already available!
Check here and good reading: Newsletter 1

Partner meeting 2 in Bradford (UK)
The second NT4S meeting took place in Bradford, UK on 29 – 30th May 2018. The aim of this meeting was to gather WBL trainers from each partner country, understand

Kick-off meeting – Charleroi (Belgium), January 2018
The kick-off meeting in Charleroi (Belgium) in January 2018! All 6 partners reflected on the innovation of learning tools in the approach of work-based learning.